A Happy Camper
Two One young and inexperienced vegetarian with a dog and no money attempting to hike 1600 1300 miles through continental America's most rugged and diverse terrain.
Two One young and inexperienced vegetarian with a dog and no money attempting to hike 1600 1300 miles through continental America's most rugged and diverse terrain.
Hey Guys-
My son Alex had the pleasure of meeting you both and your dog Louie on Monday night April 24. He came home so excited to tell me about the journey you were on and how cool you were. Sorry to hear about the tough time you had in Irvine/Newport ( you have to remember, the cops around here have nothing better to do than
harass anybody that looks out of the norm) Anyway, glad to hear Alex stepped up and helped you out with the fries and soda. To tell you the truth, I think it made him just as happy getting it for you than you would have thought!(As insignicicant as it may seem) As a parent its good to know some of the things you try to instill in your child when their young,like kindess, commpassion & understanding, are coming to fruition. So, thanks for the shout out to him and bless you on your couragous adventure! Roxanne
e-mail roxannelee@cox.net
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